Courses Attended at the University of Waterloo
for a Master's in Applied Science (M.A.Sc.) in Systems Design Engineering
by Anne K. Gray

Qualifying Program
Because my undergraduate degree was not in Engineering and the Systems Design Engineering Department applies a filter to grade points from all schools in the United States that changedmy cumulative grade point from Grinnell College (3.18) to something lower than 80%, my supervisor, D. Stashuk, designed a two-term qualifying program that I took in Fall and Winter of '98-'99. By maintaining at least an 80% average with no grades below 75%, I qualified to enter the Master's program in May 1999.

Fall 1998

SY DE 214 CC Springer Statistics
E&CE 250 K. Kontogiannis Algorithms & Data Structures [C++]
SY DE 252 ME Jernigan Linear Systems & Signals
M SCI 311 T Astebro Organizational Design & Technology
SY DE 543 CG MacGregor Cognitive Ergonomics
Winter 1999
SY DE 221 M Kamel Software Design [C++, Java]
SY DE 312 K Ponnambalam Numerical Methods
M SCI 331 M Tajima Operations Research 1
SY DE 352 F Karray Intro to Control Systems
SY DE 372 P Fieguth Intro to Pattern Recognition

Master's Program
For the Master's degree we were required to take four courses, regularly attend a weekly seminar, present a seminar on our own research, and complete a Master's Thesis. My Thesis was titled Effective Information Display and Interface Design for Decomposition-Based Quantitative Electromyography.

Fall 1999

SY DE 622 MS Kamel Machine Intelligence
SY DE 624 B Wills System Simulation: Advanced Topics
Winter 2000
SY DE 675 P Fieguth [Audit] Pattern Recognition
SY DE 761 JJ Kay The Epistemology of Systems Thinking
Spring 2000
SY DE 744 C Burns Ecological Psychology

My grade average across my master's courses was 88.3%.

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