Joseph Conat finally decided to make himself a page...
Jenny Page no longer works for WCC but her page is still there. Now she's a real life elementary school teacher in Maryland. You can see her class's online projects on that school system web page.
Emily K. S. Stuckey. Emily was once the darker side of my smurfette and is definitely worth knowing.
Britain Woodman, that goofy guy.
Bryan Alexander, book expert extraordinaire, now married to another of the like, with an all-too-beautiful little girl.
Edward J. Lecouteur, a most faithful accomplice.
Frederick R. Cooper, of corporate status according to the IRS, unknown status according to the cosmos which is him, and certain location (probably) to the FBI.
Roddy Collins,Cousin to the fellow I dated through most of highschool. Roddy is doing work that sounds much too fun. His mom has cats and does Jigsaw Puzzles.
Dave 'the Plaidman' Leppik. Dave also got visited on the road trip. He and his live-in chum, my friend Jordan, Are now officially wedded.
Carolyn Crowley. A lifesaver at worst, dear heart.
Okay, so, yeah.. I'm crazy about
him. We're getting married June 23, 2001
Blade. Aka Scott Hamilton. He's getting married June 21, 2001
Loki Dankmyer, also known as Papa Smurf.
Janann, mistress of the dark.
Jamie, mistress of himself.
And all the rest of Them.
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